Validate Secure Code
alt=" " />

Midway Colleges Inc.
Secure Document Authentication

Please scan the 2D symbol or manually key in
its 23-character Secure Encrypted Key:

Entered Secure Encrypted Key (SEK) is:

Secure Encrypted Key (SEK) NOT ENTERED

Secure Document Code counter is :
Scanned Document Code or SEK is :
Graduate's Full Name is :
Learner's Reference Number is :
Learner's Track is :
Learner's Strand is :
Program/Course Completed is :
Honors Earned is :
Graduation Date is :
Learner's S.O. Number is :
S.O. Number issued on :
Number of times Secure Document has been authenticated :
Date & Time of last authentication :

Welcome to the Midway Colleges Inc. (MCI) Secure Document on-line authentication service, where secure documents could be validated by scanning their 2D symbols (or manually entering the SEK values of the symbols) and when necessary by clicking the above email address, requesting with the MCI registrar's office further details or a digital image of this secure document.

Otherwise, the validate button will return either an "SEK not entered" or "Invalid" message.   In the absence of a 2D barcode scanner, manually key in the human readable 23 character SEK exposed by an inexpensive, portable UV or blacklight source, then press the Validate button.

Please click to go to home page.

Electronic Identification & Authentication Solutions employ US trademarked Secur-A-Doc and Secur-It-All solutions. (2024)
